Web Data Extraction Software for Chrome and Firefox

  • Windows 7 - Windows 11, Windows Server 2003-2016
  • Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0
  • Chrome 73++ or Firefox 60+ Keep your browsers up-to-date!
  • For 64-bit Windows a 64-bit versions of the browser is strongly recommended

Version 2023-05-26 View the release notes

Getting Started

  1. Watch the demonstration video to see how easy it is to use the software.
  2. Download and install the program.
  3. Find the Data Tool shortcut on your desktop or in the Start menu and start the program. You may see a message that the browser is being controlled by the automation software, which is the Data Toolbar.
  4. Navigate to the target web page and press the Data Tool button or add-on icon. Then mark the fields you want to collect and click the Get Data button.
  5. Use the Tutorial to learn how to create a real-life data extraction project
  6. If you need help contact us at support@datatoolbar.com

Getting Started


Data collection from HTML5 highly interactive web pages with Async Javascript


Multi-tab and multi-window browsing mode with high level of parallelism ideal for multi core PCs


Unlimited crawling depth


Automatic logins. Repeated submission of forms for all possible input values.


Opening menus, switching tuto-tabs, accepting alerts and handling pop-up panels


Processing pages that load addtional content when scrolled to the bottom


Simulating mouse hover effect


Continious Scroll


Multiple lists of data per web page. For example, from a LinkedIn page you can collect all person's jobs, skills and education history.


Direct XML, Excel and SQL multi-table output. For example, collecting products catalog with attached table of user reviews.


Background data scraping using headless mode (Chrome 60+, Firefox 56+).


Scheduled execution on any interval


Simultaneous processing of multiple projects


The Data Toolbar for Chrome and Firefox can run side-by-side with Data Toolbar for Internet Explorer.